Build that Castle in the Air…Start with a Foundation!

With Wendy Barlin

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Wendy Barlin is a native of Cape Town, South Africa who was inspired to move to Los Angeles as a young adult.  She’s an author, professional speaker and business owner, and is so much more than your everyday accountant. Her expertise is in advising people to better manage their money with financial strategies that are easy to understand and implement.


Today, Wendy dispels a few myths around creating passive income. She raises some key questions to ask ourselves before diving into that next investment or big purchase. 

She also reveals how you can generate income in your pajamas!

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About Wendy Barlin

As an author, professional speaker and business owner, Wendy Barlin is so much more than an accountant. Her expertise is advising people to better manage their money with easy to understand and implement financial strategies.

Wendy is committed to her clients’ success. Whether analyzing cash flow or projecting income taxes, she ensures that all financial decisions lead to achieving her client’s life goals.

A native of Cape Town, South Africa, Wendy fell in love with the sparkle of the City of Angels while backpacking around the world in her 20s, in search of her dreams.

Wendy is a frequent speaker at conferences and association meetings, is a member of the California Society of CPA’s and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and can also often be seen as an expert on ABC7 News, CBSNLos Angeles and in many written publications across the United States.


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